28.80 KW REC N-Peak 3 REC400NP3 Ground-Mount Solar Panel Systems
REC N-Peak 3 REC400NP3 Ground-Mounted Solar Panel Systems
Choose the 28.80 KW REC400NP3 Black Series 400W solar panel system for reliable and efficient solar energy generation. Uniquely designed for value, efficiency and dependability, this top-notch ground mounted solar system not only maximizes energy production but also comes tailored with high-quality components and optional single line drawings, permit plan sets and stamped PE engineering. With stocked warehouses across the US, we can ship complete solar systems at the best prices in the US.
Contact us for a delivered quote!
28.80 KW Ground-Mounted Solar Systems Include:
- 72 REC N-PEAK 3 REC400NP3 400 watt solar panels
- 2 x SolarEdge SE11400H-US Inverter w/ SetApp
- SolarEdge Power Optimizers
OR - Enphase IQ8A Microinverter
Also Includes:
- Prosolar Groundtrac or IronRidge ground mount system
- Solar Interconnect Cables and Wire Management
- Grounding lugs
- State Stamped structural testing reports
- Component installation manuals
- Friendly knowledgeable technical assistance before during and after your installation

All Black Design
- Optional Single Line Drawings and Permit Plan Sets
- Wet PE stamps for structural and or electrical
- Solar Battery Storage/Backup Systems
What's Not Included?
- Standard conduit, ground, tie-in wiring & landing breakers, and AC Disconnects
- Additional load center hardware, breaker boxes, etc

Contact Us
Toll-Free: (877) 297-0014
For Expert Advice & The Latest Low Wholesale REC Ground Mounted Solar System Pricing.

With a rich history spanning over 25 years and thousands of installations, Solar Electric Supply (SES) stands as a beacon of trust and reliability in the world of ground-mount solar systems. Our unwavering commitment to quality, value, and technical expertise allow us to deliver best in class solar solutions that are tailored to the unique needs of our customers. Our latest offering, the 28.80 KW REC N-Peak 3 REC400NP3 Ground-Mount Solar Panel System is designed to maximize energy production, featuring high-quality components at a great price and additional options for your convenience.
Prosolar Groundtrac System

The Prosolar Groundtrac mounting system uses 1.5” galvanized steel pipe and has the shallowest (26”-36”) footings requirement. Made in the USA and sold primarily on the West Coast, it is the lowest installed cost racking solution for most ground mounted systems.
Iron Ridge Ground Mount System

The UL listed Ironridge ground racking system uses 2” or 3” galvanized steel poles (not included) to support the solar array. High wind speed and snow load ratings allow for permittable ground mounted PV installations all over the USA. Contact Us today for more information!
All REC 28.80 KW Ground Mount Systems Include:
Different solar panels, PV mount & inverter available at low wholesale prices.
Contact us toll-free: (877) 297-0014 - All solar systems can be custom designed.
Residential Ground Mounted Solar System Prices · REC Solar Systems
Contact us for sales, reviews and low prices for any REC N-PEAK ground-mounted solar system.