Prosolar Solar Wedge
SolarWedge by Professional Solar Products, Inc, is an innovative low profile commercial/residential PV mounting system.
The Solar Wedge solar panel roof mounting system provides an easy to install and economical solution for 5, 10 or 15 degree structural attachment. SolarWedge integrates with Professional Solar's patented "top-down" commercial RoofTrac and FoamJack stanchion products.
The system dramatically lowers installation and shipping costs while optimizing installed wattage on the roof.
Advantages of the SolarWedge:
- Easy handling and Installation: Each box supports up to 30' (front & rear) of RoofTrac® support rails
- Drastically lowers shpping costs while maximizing power output
- Integrated Leveling System: Compensates up to 2-1/2" of roof variation using an included 1/2" x 4" stainless steel stud
- Fully Engineered: Load tested to 30 lbs. per sq. ft (approx. 110 mph wind load) at up to 6' centers
- Optimized to reduce summer peak demand charges
- Finished Aluminum Parts: Clear anodized angled support brackets match support rail. FoamJack stanchion parts are machine tumbled and cleaned to provide excellent bonding.
Precision extruded angles of anodized aluminum compress the support rail at a fixed angle while dramatically increasing the strength.
Leveling Feature
Stud rolls into the post up to 2-1/2" to eliminate
the need
for cutting studs on the job.
Each kit includes the FoamJack with a 3" aluminum seal
plate. Size
included depends on the angle purchased

Technical Information
- Load Tested and engineered to 30 lbs. per square ft. (approx.110mph wind load equivalent)
- Utilizes FoamJack® Laboratory tested to 2,870 lbs. vertical and 2,615 lbs. side lateral pull out using a 3/8" x 6" lag bolt (secured at approx. 6-1/2").
- Structurally attached to the roof - extremely important in areas with potential horizontal and vertical seismic movement such as California.
- Available in 5°, 10° or 15° angles. Optimized to help reduce typical peak summer demand charges.



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